
The Email Rules

I've helped business owners like you make MILLIONS of dollars with my email strategy & copy skills. Join my newsletter and learn how to make more money with better (DIY) emails for your business. If you like a good story & a great business lesson, this is the newsletter for you.

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Amy Porterfield's 2024 email strategy

I'm getting ready to re-launch my 12-week coaching programme, Like a Boss. This time, I'm redoing all the training so Like a Boss applies to ALL service providers – not just copywriters. (That means you!) If you want to get Like a Boss updates, click here and I'll add you to waitlist I don't often listen to Amy Porterfield's podcast, but there are certain topics and episodes I will never miss. Any time Amy talks about – ⚡️ how she's working ⚡️ how/who she's hiring ⚡️ how her launches went...

Reader, I've got a vulnerability hangover because I just published my 2023 End-of-Year Review. (Spoiler: I didn't hit my revenue goals – and I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about that). In this behind-the-scenes recap, I share: 🎙️ How much revenue my company made in 2023 🎙️How and why I DIDN'T hit my revenue goal (and how I feel about it all) 🎙️How I survived (and thrived) during a 3-month client drought 🎙️My life goals (yupp, I get honest and deep) 🎙️A GAME-CHANGING announcement....

Queen Bey just released her new documentary, and it made $21 million JUST in the US and Canada during its opening weekend. That, for me, isn't what's most interesting here. "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is about Beyoncé's recent world tour. Beyonce with her parents in her new film. Credit: Parkwood Entertainment Audiences get the chance to watch the tour on the big screen...or for some, re-watch the tour they already paid a lot of money to see live. The film ia mixture of performances and...

Reader! I’m officially out of office (I take July off every year), but I really wanted to share this with you so I'm sneaking in a quick email ;) In my newest case study, my client Samara Michaels (a course creator and coach) shares how my sales copy generated £1.2 MILLION for her business. You heard that right! 1.2 MILLION POUNDS. (Which is just over 1.5 million US dollars). When Samara came to me, she was tired of live launching and wanted to turn her live launch into an automated evergreen...

Let’s talk about day rates (AKA VIP Days). The service offering that has you promising to deliver work in just one day. And it’s not really one day, is it? It’s more like 5-7 hours 😭 Day rates and VIP Days have become super fashionable in the past few years. It feels like everyone is offering them. When I heard people talking about how easy it was to make $2000 in a day thanks to VIP Days, I had to try it. I didn't quite make $2000 for my first VIP Day – I was way too scared to charge that...

When I was interviewing Laura Belgray on my podcast...(Laura's my business hero – you know this by now 🤣)... ...she stopped me right before I hit the record button and asked – “Wait, is it okay if I swear? You don’t seem like the kinda person who swears.” Which is funny…because she was totally right. I don’t swear. #confession (Also, HOW did Laura know that?!) Okay, so I do swear sometimes. But very rarely. Only when I’m angry. Like super angry. And for the record – I never ask my podcast...

Remember when I emailed you a few weeks ago and told you I was interviewing Laura Belgray (MY BUSINESS HERO) on my podcast? Well, the interview just dropped and people are loving it! 👇🏽 Tune in and listen to Laura Belgray and I chat about – ✨ What happened when Laura ghosted her email list for months and months ✨ The mistake that made Laura call her friend (Marie Forleo!!) in tears ✨ Hitting your first million aged 50 and knowing you're exactly where you're meant to be, exactly when you're...

Before I get into today’s email, I’m inviting you to Ask Me Anything about business and/or email at tomorrow’s Freelance Fiasco Monthly Meet-Up. Save your seat here (only 44/100 spots left). Oh, and it’s totally free! Okay now back to my actual email 👇😄 I have this thing against everything mainstream. Not on purpose. I just can’t seem to help it. I all but ignored Harry Potter for yearssss, until – as a young teen – I finally gave in and read the series. I didn’t read The Hunger Games until...

A couple of weeks ago, I received this email from one of my lovely newsletter subscribers 👇 This screenshot reads: "Your email went to promo Eman! You might want to look at this :)" So today, I’m myth busting! I’m not going to look into this because I’m totally fine with my emails landing in your promotions tab. Wanna know why? Because my emails are promo emails! Instead of trying to trick the deliverability system, I appreciate it. Respect it, even. Promotional emails should land in the...

Back in January, I conducted a business experiment. I wanted to find out: What happens when you give people the OPTION to pay you? So…I decided to host a ‘pay what you can’ event. My Week of Workshops An entire week of live workshops designed for copywriters (but also totally suitable for non-copywriters too). It consisted of four separate events: 🔥 Workshop 1: How to create a 5* client experience (that wows your clients and raises your rates) 🔥 Workshop 2: How to become a highly paid...