I made this client 1.2 MILLION pounds 😍


I’m officially out of office (I take July off every year), but I really wanted to share this with you so I'm sneaking in a quick email ;)

In my newest case study, my client Samara Michaels (a course creator and coach) shares how my sales copy generated £1.2 MILLION for her business.

You heard that right!

1.2 MILLION POUNDS. (Which is just over 1.5 million US dollars).

When Samara came to me, she was tired of live launching and wanted to turn her live launch into an automated evergreen funnel.

That’s what I worked on for her.

And the best part?

Samara’s been able to use my launch strategy and the copy I wrote for her over and over and over again.

Her one-time investment in my services has generated continuous ROI for her and the ROI increases every single month.

Samara says –

“Since Eman helped me shift my course from live launch to evergreen in late 2021, the sales page and sales emails she wrote have generated £1.2 million so far — and I’m still using them.
Her copy is the gift that keeps on giving, and it’s freed me up to spend my time where it should be: making my programme great and putting my energy into my coaching calls and my work with clients.”

Check out the case study here

And if you’re interested in hiring me to work on sales copy for your course launch, membership, or mastermind…

Fill in this short form and get in touch!

If it feels like we’re a good fit, my lovely assistant will schedule a call for us now so we can chat when I’m back at work in August.

My next availability is early September, so if you’re not ready to work with me right now but want to before the end of this year, now is still the perfect time to apply

Can't wait to hear from you!


PS. Here’s the link again if you want to read my MILLION pound case study :)

Wait a sec, Reader! Here are some ways I can support you and your business 😄👇🏽

💌 My strategy and copy helped these course creators generate $170,000 from their launch.

Let's talk about working together if we aren't already? (If you’re an online business owner or an ecommerce brand, I’d love to hear from you!)

👑 Find out how to go from invisible service provider to THE GO-TO expert in your field with my 90-minute masterclass, Nail Your Niche

🎙 Listen to my podcast Mistakes That Made Me – where I ask extraordinary business owners to share their biggest business mistake.

Check out the first episode with Vivian Kaye where she talks about her $12,000 mistake 😱

The Email Rules

I've helped business owners like you make MILLIONS of dollars with my email strategy & copy skills. Join my newsletter and learn how to make more money with better (DIY) emails for your business. If you like a good story & a great business lesson, this is the newsletter for you.

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