Email lessons from Beyoncé 🐝

Queen Bey just released her new documentary, and it made $21 million JUST in the US and Canada during its opening weekend.

That, for me, isn't what's most interesting here.

"Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is about Beyoncé's recent world tour.

Audiences get the chance to watch the tour on the big screen...or for some, re-watch the tour they already paid a lot of money to see live.

The film ia mixture of performances and exclusive behind-the-scenes content.

It is the BEST example of how repurposed content can be both effective and profitable for business owners like us. (Because that's what Beyoncé is. She's a business owner. She actually founded the production company that created this film: Parkwood Entertainment).

The idea of repurposing isn't new to performers.

Every new remix is an example of content repurposing (e.g. Cuff It versus Cuff It - Remix).

And if we go back to the idea of touring, we know Taylor Swift dominates this sphere. (According to Forbes, her “Eras Tour” concert film just broke past $250 million in gross sales at the global box office).

What does any of this have to do with email?

Well Beyoncé and Taylor Swift have managed to find a way to create multiple pieces of content from ONE piece of content. (And make money from all versions of it).

I always say email doesn't have to be hard – but I'm not sure business owners believe me.

The idea of coming up with content for email after email, sequence after sequence can feel super overwhelming.

😭 "What should I write about?"

😭 "How do I come up with new ideas?"

😭 "What if I run out of ideas?!"

😭 "I'm burnt out from all this creating."

I get it – but email doesn't always have to be something you create from scratch.

What if you repurposed the content you already have? Just like Beyoncé.

You could –

🔥 use your website about page for the intro email of your welcome sequence

🔥 take your most popular blog post/podcast episode and turn it into an email

🔥 copy and paste your best performing social media post and send it to your email list

You don't always have to create your emails from scratch, Reader.

Hope this gives you some email content ideas?

Here's to working smarter, and not harder,

Eman :)

PS. Other marketing & business lessons I've learned from Beyoncé:

✨ The value of behind-the-scenes content

✨ How creating a sense of exclusivity can lead to more sales

✨ The power of a loyal community

✨ The importance of equity. (Beyonce chose to build her own entertainment company so she could own and control projects like this. More equity = more creative control & more profit).

Wait a sec, Reader! Here are some ways I can support you and your business 😄👇🏽

💌 My strategy and copy helped this coach and course creator generate $1.2 MILLION (and counting!). Let's talk about working together if we aren't already? I'm booking in 2024 projects now.

📞 Want tailored strategy recommendations so you can make more from your emails? Book an Email Consult Call

👑 Find out how to go from invisible service provider to THE GO-TO expert in your field with my 90-minute masterclass, Nail Your Niche

🎙 Listen to my podcast Mistakes That Made Me – where I ask extraordinary business owners to share their biggest business mistake.

Check out the first episode with Vivian Kaye where she talks about her $12,000 mistake 😱

The Email Rules

I've helped business owners like you make MILLIONS of dollars with my email strategy & copy skills. Join my newsletter and learn how to make more money with better (DIY) emails for your business. If you like a good story & a great business lesson, this is the newsletter for you.

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