How to get rich

Before I get into today’s email, I’m inviting you to Ask Me Anything about business and/or email at tomorrow’s Freelance Fiasco Monthly Meet-Up.

Save your seat here (only 44/100 spots left). Oh, and it’s totally free!

Okay now back to my actual email 👇😄

I have this thing against everything mainstream.

Not on purpose. I just can’t seem to help it.

I all but ignored Harry Potter for yearssss, until – as a young teen – I finally gave in and read the series.

I didn’t read The Hunger Games until looong after the movies were released.

And I still haven’t read You Are a Badass, Atomic Habits, or Essentialism – even though everyone’s been raving about these books for years.

Instead of making me want to read a book or watch a film or learn from a famous influencer coach…

These things (or people) being popular pushes me further away from them instead of closer.

So, it’s no surprise that even though I’d heard a lot about Ramit Sethi (a personal finance adviser, author, podcast host, and business owner), I’d never taken the time to look into his work.

He was too popular.

But just like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, when I finally started looking into Ramit Sathi…I wish I’d done it a lot sooner.

Ramit’s new Netflix show is called How to Get Rich.

His 10+ year old book is called I Will Teach You To Be Rich. (His podcast has the same name too).

The Netflix show is brilliant and I’m currently listening to the book on Audible. (You should check them out if you’re interested in improving your financial literacy).

This email isn’t actually about Ramit or how to get rich.

It’s about the names of Ramit’s products.

His show: How to Get Rich.

And his book and podcast: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.

The title of his Netflix show is — in my opinion — infinitely better than the title of his book and podcast.

That doesn’t surprise me. After all: the people at Netflix know how to name a show.

But let’s break down WHY the show title is so much better.

The title How to Get Rich puts the focus on the audience.

It’s all about YOU and YOUR ability to get rich.

But the title I Will Teach You To Be Rich is all about Ramit Sethi.

The focus is on Ramit’s ability to teach you how to get rich.

It’s about HIM before it’s about you.

He’s the star, not you.

Not the audience.

Thanks to a copywriting principle known as ‘What’s In It For Me’ (WIIFM), we know humans are most interested in a thing when it benefits them directly.

That’s why the Netflix show title makes YOU the star instead of making Ramit the star (like his book does).

You’re not interested in Ramit – and Netflix knows that.

You’re interested in how to get rich. Ramit is secondary.

When you’re naming your products, your courses, your services, your podcast, your YouTube show…

Make your audience the star.

The name you choose should clearly communicate how they’ll benefit from your offer, and you should make that benefit the central theme. Not you.

Imagine if I named my offers the way Ramit names his?

I Will Teach You to Nail Your Niche

I Will Teach You to Design Your VIP Day

They all feel a little self-centred. A little long. A little unnecessary.


One thing to consider is that maybe Ramit WANTED to put himself at the centre of this conversation?

Maybe he wanted to centre himself as the teacher, the authority, the trustworthy source of financial knowledge?

Was centering himself (instead of his audience) intentional?

Did he mean to do it? Or was it accidental?

Either way, my advice remains the same: make your audience the star.

(Unless your name is Jasmine Star and you want to name your podcast ‘The Jasmine Star Show’. Love Jasmine Star 😍).

Your audience is interested in how you can help them more than they’re interested in you.

That might hurt, but it’s true.

Hope this helps when you’re naming your next offer?

Eman :)

PS. I’m a newly converted Ramit Sethi fan. Check out his show! I really enjoyed it.

PPS. I know there are exceptions to the advice in this email. (The Jasmine Star Show is one of them!)

Wait a sec, Reader! Here are some ways I can support you and your business 😄👇🏽

💌 My strategy and copy helped these course creators generate $170,000 from their launch.

Let's talk about working together if we aren't already? (If you’re an online business owner or an ecommerce brand, I’d love to hear from you!)

👑 Find out how to go from invisible service provider to THE GO-TO expert in your field with my 90-minute masterclass, Nail Your Niche

🎙 Listen to my podcast Mistakes That Made Me – where I ask extraordinary business owners to share their biggest business mistake.

Check out the first episode with Vivian Kaye where she talks about her $12,000 mistake 😱

The Email Rules

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