How to earn more and work less

Let’s talk about day rates (AKA VIP Days).

The service offering that has you promising to deliver work in just one day.

And it’s not really one day, is it?

It’s more like 5-7 hours 😭

Day rates and VIP Days have become super fashionable in the past few years. It feels like everyone is offering them.

When I heard people talking about how easy it was to make $2000 in a day thanks to VIP Days, I had to try it.

I didn't quite make $2000 for my first VIP Day – I was way too scared to charge that back in 2020.

I did, however, charge a respectable £1497.

And when the client said yes to that rate, I closed the Zoom call and jumped around my bedroom in excitement.

£1497! In ONE DAY?

Ummm...yes please!

So I went ahead and did the VIP Day,

But honestly?

I hated every minute of it.

I spent the entire day watching the clock – a bundle of nerves – stressing about…

🥴Whether I’d get the work done in time…
🥴If the final deliverable would even be any good…
🥴If the client would like what I’d written…
🥴The fact that I definitely wasn’t being paid enough for the vast amount of work I was doing in such a small amount of time…

By the end of the day, I was exhausted.

“Never again,” I thought to myself.

I officially HATED VIP Days…

But I still LOVED the idea of making more money in less time.

My only issue with the VIP Day was the “delivery in a day” aspect, and the stress that caused me.

And since I’d just found out I was pregnant, I knew stress was the last thing I needed.

I also knew I needed to up my rates so I could start saving for my self-funded maternity leave - FAST.

So, after sitting down and mapping out a few details, I decided to create my own VIP offer.

An offer that gave me more time to do the work and that paid me significantly more too.

The VIP Week – priced at $4.2K-ish per week.

Now that was the kind of offer I could get behind.

The VIP Week worked and I was able to sell it to clients pretty easily.

So easily in fact, that even *I* was surprised!

I thought there’d be more pushback, more objections – but once clients heard my pitch they were happy, excited even, to pay me.

The VIP Week was so successful that it helped me hit almost 6 figures the year I was pregnant with my second baby. (Even though I only worked 3 quarters of that year).

Thanks to this offer, I was able to take on more projects at a higher rate – but still work fewer hours than ever before.

It helped me fund 7-8 months of maternity leave.

And it helped me have one of my biggest revenue months just weeks after returning to work post-maternity leave.

If you hate the idea of the traditional day rate or VIP Day, but you still want to earn more working fewer hours….

Grab Design Your VIP Day

My 2-hour pre-recorded masterclass that gives you a behind-the-scenes walk-through of my upgraded $4,000+ VIP Week process... you can design and SELL your own win-win high-ticket VIP offer that you AND your clients love.

Design Your VIP Day is helping copywriters all over the world transform their businesses!

If you’re ready to earn more in less time, grab Design Your VIP Day now

You’ll get instant access to the masterclass, which means you could have your own high-ticket VIP offer up and running by next week.

Hope you love the masterclass, Reader!

VIP Week lover and traditional day rate hater,

Eman :)

PS. I designed this Design Your VIP Day specifically for copywriters, so all the examples inside are copywriter-specific.

BUT non-copywriters have bought it, loved it, and been able to transfer the lessons to their non-copy business easily.

So if you’re a non-copywriter business owner who’s considering offering a time-sensitive, high-ticket VIP offer, you should definitely grab this masterclass.

PPS. Yes, there’s a payment plan available! :)

Wait a sec, Reader! Here are some ways I can support you and your business 😄👇🏽

💌 My strategy and copy helped these course creators generate $170,000 from their launch.

Let's talk about working together if we aren't already? (If you’re an online business owner or an ecommerce brand, I’d love to hear from you!)

👑 Find out how to go from invisible service provider to THE GO-TO expert in your field with my 90-minute masterclass, Nail Your Niche

🎙 Listen to my podcast Mistakes That Made Me – where I ask extraordinary business owners to share their biggest business mistake.

Check out the first episode with Vivian Kaye where she talks about her $12,000 mistake 😱

The Email Rules

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