
When I was interviewing Laura Belgray on my podcast...(Laura's my business hero – you know this by now 🤣)...

...she stopped me right before I hit the record button and asked –

“Wait, is it okay if I swear? You don’t seem like the kinda person who swears.”

Which is funny…because she was totally right.

I don’t swear. #confession

(Also, HOW did Laura know that?!)

Okay, so I do swear sometimes. But very rarely. Only when I’m angry. Like super angry.

And for the record – I never ask my podcast guests to not swear. I want them to be themselves and I definitely don’t want to ruin their flow.

So I let them speak freely and have my podcast producer BEEP out any naughty words in post-production.

(You are so welcome parents who listen to my podcast around little kids 😆)

While we’re on the topic of naughty words, let me tell you…it was REALLY hard for me to say Laura’s book title out loud.

Her book? It’s called Tough Titties.

It was so hard (and so totally unnatural) for me to record myself saying it that I actually had to re-record the line a couple of times because I couldn’t take me seriously 🤣

I promise I’m not a total prude ha!

When it comes to swearing, I think swearing is a justified form of self-expression and I make no judgments about people who choose to.

In fact, I’m kinda reluctant to tell people I don’t swear.

(Maybe I’m worried they’ll judge me? Think I’m too prissy? Or judge me by thinking *I’m* judging *them* even though they’re the ones judging *me* because they're making the assumption that *I’m* judge-y?).

Anyway, because of this reluctance to tell people I don’t swear…when Joe Glover asked me to present a talk called ‘How to Kick Ass as a Freelancer’ to his community (The Marketing Meetup)...

…I didn’t bother telling him the word “a**” is totally off brand for me.

(I couldn’t think of a better word, honestly. The title was great and it was totally ON brand for The Marketing Meetup).

So we agreed on ‘How to Kick A** as a Freelancer’ – and I somehow managed to get through the entire presentation without saying the word “a**” more than once.

(Well…“arse” for me because I’m a Brit).

This totally free hour-long webinar has the word “freelancer” in the title…but honestly, it’s for anyone who considers themselves to be a business owner.

I got A LOT of great feedback after delivering this talk, so it’s about time I shared it with you here.

In this 1-hour webinar (also a podcast), I talk about –

  • How I got into freelancing
  • Why you should stop being an order taker
  • How to create a 5 star client experience
  • How to be intentional with your pricing as a freelancer
  • How to qualify clients
  • How to prepare for quiet periods
  • The importance of learning from your mistakes

Wanna kick even more a** than you’re already currently kicking? ;)

Watch How to Kick A** as a Freelancer on YouTube

Or listen to it on Spotify


Eman :)

PS. To clarify, I’m not totally convinced “a**” is a swear word.

But my mother reads this newsletter religiously (heyyy mama! 👋🏽) so I need to be on my best behaviour at all times 🤣

PPS. I was also interviewed on a podcast called Confessions With Jess & Cindy a couple of months ago and it was truly one of the most fun interviews I’ve had in a while.

Dropping the link so you can geek out with me over email and get inspired to level up your newsletter game.

We chat about –

  • The value of having a quality email list
  • How to nurture your email list
  • The anatomy of an effective email
  • Finding your creative flow when writing
  • How to get people in your email list
  • Building a solid email list by learning the importance of subject lines, preview text, and images in emails

Okay, no more links – I’m done now!

Have a great weekend, Reader! :)

Wait a sec, Reader! Here are some ways I can support you and your business 😄👇🏽

💌 My strategy and copy helped these course creators generate $170,000 from their launch.

Let's talk about working together if we aren't already? (If you’re an online business owner or an ecommerce brand, I’d love to hear from you!)

👑 Find out how to go from invisible service provider to THE GO-TO expert in your field with my 90-minute masterclass, Nail Your Niche

🎙 Listen to my podcast Mistakes That Made Me – where I ask extraordinary business owners to share their biggest business mistake.

Check out the first episode with Vivian Kaye where she talks about her $12,000 mistake 😱

The Email Rules

I've helped business owners like you make MILLIONS of dollars with my email strategy & copy skills. Join my newsletter and learn how to make more money with better (DIY) emails for your business. If you like a good story & a great business lesson, this is the newsletter for you.

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